Saturday, June 29, 2013

Starting Over.....

Alright Folks.......

So my gorgeous blog that I worked on for months and months was deleted a little while ago for some unknown reason. The extreme amount of anger inside of me is quite unfathomable. So here I am, laying in bed, finally getting back to blogging. I will try to do frequent posts and try my best to keep you on your toes.

We might as well start from the beginning.

November 12th, 1990 I was born into this big scary life in the terrifying town called Provo, Utah. 

I was quite the kid. I loved to go in the backyard and play in our mini rain forest. I also had a weekly lemonade stand that I set up on the corner. I made millions doing that. Literally. My income was greater than my mom's income at that time. But my favorite thing to do was to go down to the creek and catch craw-dads and take them home to my mom and ask her if we could eat them for dinner... she ALWAYS said no. Then one day I asked dad and guess what we ate for dinner... =) From then on I knew to always ask dad.

Then I went to middle school. Now THAT was a joke. I had zero friends. Maybe it was cause I parted my hair down the middle and slicked it into a low pony tail. I had nooo idea what I was doing to the people who had to look at me. I did win the egg drop in middle school and I was in a school play.
One positive about my middle school days is that I was introduced to ballet. It was all i needed to get through the next 5 years of my life. 

Finally... I made it to high school. It wasn't that cool. In high school I was on dance team for all 4 years. We kicked TRASH! I tried track for 3 days... but i forgot that I was bad at running and throwing things so I decided to get a full time job instead and save up for college. I was also in student council. I was that loud annoying girl in charge of assemblies and dressed up in insane school spirit gear at every sporting event. I still had no idea how to do my hair.

Then one day I got my acceptance letter into BYU. I lived in the dorms my first year and had a BLAST. I finally learned how to do my hair and boys started talking to me. It was COOL. I did two years at BYU and finished all my GE's and then decided to take a year off and work full time and save some money. And then a few other things happened. That brings me to now.

Over the past 6 years I have really made myself into the person I am through my trials, mistakes, good choices, bad choices, and friends that I have made. I have finally hit that spot that I can look in the mirror with confidence and say that this is who I am and this is what I want to be.

Now I live in Alaska.

 I drive buses (Yes, Gray Line giant 50 foot buses, those buses) for all the cruise ships that come to Juneau and make their vacations something magical. You know I'm that driver who makes terrible jokes and yet they still laugh because they are on vacation and that makes it all that much better and that much funnier. 

I'm dating this awesome guy. His name is Klaus Griessmann. Let's take a minute to assess his name. Yes, he is German. And I feel like his name is a little bit intimidating. But he is a super great guy. He is one of those good guys, the ones who make you feel all calm and warm and fuzzy on the inside. I don't know what the heck I did to deserve this guy but holy smokes I got lucky!!!!!

This is us kissing. GROSS huh?? Nah we are adorable and you know it!!

Photo Cred: Jackson King. 


 Anyways life is one fun adventure and this spontaneous job change and move to Alaska has been for sure paying off and I am enjoying every moment. 

Thanks again Alaska. 

Until next time,

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